Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 14 Research Questions (RQ)

Module 14 Research Questions (RQ)

Q After completing the assigned reading and watching the lecture videos for this module, write one substantive paragraph (4-6 sentences) for each question below: 1. Reflect on the question of whether or not God judges churches today 2. Describe eschatology in the OT. 3. Recount briefly the events of the intertestamental period (in other words, summarize how to get from Malachi to Matthew in historical terms). Submit your RQs as a Microsoft Word document.

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God does not judge churches today in the sense that Jesus Christ’s body is reflected on by God. The body of Christ is the clergy and the parishioners whose decisions and actions might be judged by God for considering the level of growth and/or improvement of the church. It is important to identify the ways in which God sends messages through Jesus Christ to the Christian priests and pastors and sometimes to the parishioners about specific actions for welfare of the church. These actions and decisions are important to be implemented or else God might be offended.